Statement by Christian Castelli Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Announcing Congressional Campaign

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“Today, I am announcing my congressional campaign for North Carolina’s new Sixth Congressional District. My purpose and motivation for seeking the Republican nomination is simple: We need experience, and we need decisive leadership. 

“For more than three weeks, the U.S. House of Representatives did not function to its potential because we were without a Speaker of the House. We could not tackle the issues facing our country and American families. 

“As a decorated soldier and Green Beret who was deployed 14 times to hostile fire zones, 6 combat tours, and senior advisor at the Pentagon, leaving challenges unresolved is not in my nature. I find it unacceptable.

My experience and proven conservative leadership have prepared me for moments like we face today. War on Freedom, calculated strategies to undermine America’s interests, an unsecured and vulnerable border, and an economy saddled with inflation and choking America’s middle-class and small businesses are just a few tests we encounter.

“Congressional experience, elected office experience is noble but it is not what is needed right now. We’ve tried it; it’s failed us. We need real-world, real-life experience to put us on a course of security, strength and prosperity. 

“The answer is not the support of the DC Establishment and K Street. The answer is the support of voters right here at home in the district.

“I am running to represent North Carolina. I am not running for the opportunity to return to elected office or Washington DC elite.”

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